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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Other blogs


So I have two more blogs that I would like you to check out. Here is one.

Its called "App Finder" Here is the like:

And here is "Techiest Blog" Here is the link:


Lejf       Rossi

Saturday, September 18, 2010

This is the old ipod nano:

This iPod has a video camera,  pedometer, and Nike+iPod witch I would think uses Bluetooth. So maybe Bluetooth.


This is the new iPod Nano

It has the muli-touch display, a clip but no video camera. Its good but I would go with the new one.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Techiest Tech Blog: New iPod Touch

Techiest Tech Blog: New iPod Touch: "Well the new iPod touch has 2 camera's. On on the back that is 3 mega pixes and the front one is 1.3 mega pixles for facetime. the camera supports 720p video but the pictures arent the best. It has a buil..."

new ipod

well today there might be a chance that i might get the new ipod touch. visit to see what i am talking about. i will do a reveiew on it so cheak back later!

lejf rossi

Thursday, September 9, 2010


So just An update. On the 5th I had my birthday party. Then on the 7th school and now on 9th I have my first day off. 2 days into school

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My other Blog

Hi guys!

I have another blog that I would like you to go to. It is
Go there!!!